Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Judgmental or "Boring"?

Edit: If you didn't notice already (and it would be hard not to), you'll see new banners up on the site on rotation. It took longer than I would have liked but it was pretty fun. Will have more up later once I put the text on them.


There is a fine line between making fun of someone to try and get along and insulting someone to cover up your own insecurity. It's Wednesday, and that means another blog for you to read! Woohoo!

The above image is from a webcomic called "pictures for sad children". It is fairly funny while being sort of straight-laced, as it forgoes the usage of periods and such, and there is not too much expression in the faces. Still, I recommend it if you like to laugh.
In particular, I want to focus on one line of this comic, the last one. "if she's not being racist then she is just boring". In context, the entire comic is obviously parodying a social construct and comes off as amusing. Out of context, this would sound pretty offensive.
And that is where the main point of this particular blog lies - mainly, the context with which things are said to people. As a personal example, my friends and I were playing Munchkin a few weeks ago. Munchkin is a card game but that is not important right now. While we were playing, someone (who will not be named to protect the innocent or not-so-innocent) passed by and said "Wow! That's really cool!" in what was probably the most insulting tone possible. Was there any reason for them to say that? Nope, not at all. They could have very well just passed by to talk to their friends without saying anything at all. Instead, they chose to specifically target us just for the heck of it.
I would be the first to make a joke. If I'm with friends, I make fun of them all the time. It's fun. I'd do the same with meeting a new friend too. But to go out of my way to make fun of someone I might not ever want to hang out with? I'm not sure that warrants the waste of breath. This is not a serious problem, by any means, but it is still one that is very much present in our society. People can be very judgmental, and for all the wrong reasons. Sure, you can try to cover it up by saying "Oh, I don't care what those people think of me", but let's be honest. If you're going to be a blockhead about things as simple as that, then I'd have to say you're just trying to cover up for your own insecurities. 
Now, we all want to get along with at least someone in the world, especially in college life. So how does this come along? For me, I can be myself and make plenty of friends - it's how I've lived life all this time. But should it be said that you can pick and choose how you act around certain people just so you can get along with them? It's nice to think that it's possible to get along with everyone, but the truth is that not everyone has a personality compatible with yours. I know it's hard to believe, but there are people without a sense of humor. I dated one.
Anyways, back to the point. I think if you're going to make choices about who you trust and who you think you can be friends with, then make sure it's all you. I'm not going to act up all proper and nice guy just so I can talk to a girl, why should I have to? Just go with what's natural. All the same, I'm not going to pretend I lift weights and get with five girls a night just so I can make good friends with the muscly men. It's not who I am, and I think to be mature about life you have to understand what's important to you, not what's important to everyone else.
As I said before, there's a very fine line with talking about people. You have to be able to use tone well enough to make it a fun joke, and something people will appreciate you for. If you're just there to make a personal attack, then it probably doesn't look all that great except to people who would also personally attack that person. As for the rest of us actually confident in ourselves, I'd say that I'm pretty dang happy with life.


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